Smart strategies that connect businesses to their customers.

Vera Causa means true cause, and it informs everything we do.

We’re a high performance team that drives results by transforming and completely reimagining what is possible for your brand.

Our approach starts with deep customer insights and market intelligence, and then applying our expertise and proven process to guide your marketing efforts in the right direction from the beginning.

We don’t start with channels and mediums, we start with thinking. We don’t just sell websites and media, we sell solutions. We don’t pigeonhole ourselves, or your business.

Our agile business model means you get the right thinking, and then the right team for the right solution, every time.

How do we do it? By keeping our core group small and strategic, and then partnering with like-minded organizations and talent that can serve our clients’ business. Custom teams for custom solutions that scale from small to multi-national and everything in between.

We deliver everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

Vera Causa. It’s latin.

And it predates social media.

Where we specialize

Customer Intelligence


We always start with research, it’s the foundation of a successful strategy that resonates with your customers and core audiences. Quantitive research tends to give you snapshot in time of what has already happened, and a binder of data that doesn’t deliver actionable solutions. While they have their place in research, they don't allow you to truly understand the emotional components of consumer decision-making, nor what messages or actions are required to influence them.

Qualitative research gives you the ‘why’ behind your customers decisions. By unlocking and understanding their inner motives you have a much better chance of connecting and influencing behaviour.

Strategic Planning


Starting with a strong foundation is crucial for all successful in-market activities. Building alignment with internal stakeholders, uniting a shared vision and focus for the business, and setting strong and measurable growth plans that can be actioned is a part of a good framework. Your strategic plan may include everything from operations and governance structures to external marketing initiatives that drive revenue. It is the base and the ground-truth of who you are and what you do as a business and a brand.

Business to Business Communications


Marketing in a B2B environment takes a unique understanding of customer and delivering value and relevance at all times. Go-to-market strategies have to be compelling and sharp, and there is no space for waste. Vera Causa specializes in B2B clients in many industries from Energy, Agriculture, Manufacturing and Logistics.

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.”

– Seth Godin

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